
Perquire Research is a veteran-owned, small business specializing in inventing solutions to difficult problems, primarily in the area of sensor management and signal processing. It was founded in 2015 by Dr. Hintz to promote his patents which are available for licensing as well as to seek additional, interesting research.

With 20 issued U. S. Patents and 9 pending patents, Dr. Kenneth Hintz has conducted research which has yielded effective and practical solutions. In the area of sensors, he invented the cavity induced modulation (CIM) technique for detecting snipers before they shoot. Also he has invented concepts for use in the implementation of his method of information-based sensor management (IBSM). Dr. Hintz extended the IBSM technique to a method for detecting new ideas in cyberspace before they become generally known. His interest in marine systems and instrumentation resulted in the invention of buoyant force pumps for producing surge in aquaria as well as moving fluids in hazardous or biological systems. In addition, he co-invented a method for alkalinity determination.

Most of these patents are available for licensing either from the inventor or through the George Mason University Research Foundation.